It`s night and it`s dark.
And I am sitting on a train.
I have no destination.
And I don`t know where to go.
I have been traveling for hours,
looking out of the window.
My thoughts are passing by inside
my head, just like the trees are
passing by outside.
I`m thinking about the last
twenty-four hours.
I`m thinking about you and me.
You treated me so bad
you made me hate you.
Something I thought was impossible.
Now I`m sitting her here without
a destination.
But I don`t care.
All I care about is that
I`m far away from you.
I hope I will never see you again.
I will never forgive you, and I will
never forget.
Now I`m sitting alone on a train.
I don`t know where I`m going.
But it doesn`t matter, as long
as I`m far away from you.
That’s my destination.
7.11.1989/90 (usikkert hvilket av de årene)
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90talls Ambient :D
Takk for det, Knut Erik! :)